Browse Items (356 total)

"1 photograph: col.; 10 x 15 cm.
Yellow tarps in a rectangle underneath a pulley system with men around it. Text on back of image reads: ""U.S. Department of Energy; 98070284 - 33CN; Date job received: 07/24/98; Hanford Photography (509)…

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"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.5 cm.
Several people in room with lots of ventilation materials."

"1 photograph; 10.2 x 17.8 cm.
Seven men in a line posing for a picture."

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"1 photograph; 16 x 10.5 cm.
Women sitting on top of seats of a car being driven on the field of a football game."

"1 photograph; 20.2 x 25.5 cm.
Man and women driving down street in Atomic Frontier Days Parade. Text reads (with the first word partly cut off): "Monte Hale".

"1 film; 2.4 x 3.5 cm.
Nine members of the White Bluffs' baseball team. Five people are standing in the back row (their heads are only partially visible from the photo cutting off), three men are sitting in chairs in the middle row, one man is…

"1 film; 2.4 x 3.5 cm.
Several people ranging in age in white band uniforms posing for a picture. They are also holding their instruments while taking the picture. In front, there are drums that have ""White Bluffs Band"" written on them."

"1 photograph; 20.3 x 24.7 cm.
Men and horses on White Bluffs ferry. Text on front of image reads: ""White Bluff Ferry""."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.5 cm.
Man welding pipe."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.5 cm.
Man welding pipe."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.4 cm.
Man welding pipes on ladder."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.3 cm.
Man welding pipe on the side of a wall."

"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.6 cm.
Man welding pipe on the side of a wall."

"1 photograph; 8.2 x 11.5 cm.
Two kids and one man watching man with model car and rod."

"1 photograph; 8.2 x 11.5 cm.
Two kids and one man watching man with model car and rod."

"1 photograph; 20 x 22.1 cm.
Men in room looking at drafts and working. Text on front of image reads: ""Vitro Drafting Room Fed. Bldg."""

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"1 photograph; 16.1 x 20.7 cm.
Men in room looking at drafts and working. Text on front of image reads: ""Vitro Drafting Room Fed. Bldg."""

"1 photograph; 19.4 x 26 cm.
Men in room looking at drafts and working. Text on front of image reads: ""Vitro Drafting Room Fed. Bldg."" Text on back of image reads: ""406-3ac""."

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"1 photograph; 13.4 x 20.6 cm.
Men working on drafts. Text on front of image reads: ""Vitro Drafting Room 760 Bldg. 1962"""

"1 photograph: col.; 7 x 8 cm.
Image of a man with the name of V.R. Weil. Text on front of image reads: ""V.R. Weil""."


"1 photograph; 16.9 x 22.6 cm.
A woman and man on stage both dressed up, smiling and posing. Text on back of image reads: ""Show 1 - Mullen""."

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"1 photograph; 23.7 x 29.7 cm.
Two pipes in ditch with men on both sides and machinery on one side."

"1 photograph; 15 x 26.8 cm.
Top picture with two men and ventilation ducts, bottom picture has four men looking at scaled down model of the 105N Building. Text on front of image sheet reads: ""Checking possible interference of ventilation ducts…

"1 film; 2.4 x 3.5 cm.
Two people standing outside of their home near the corner of their home. Both are also looking in the direction of the camera. The text on the front of the photo reads: ""H.H. Boie home in Hanford. Picture taken 1932. Hermain…

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"1 photograph; 6.3 x 9 cm.
Two cars on a wooden platform along with two people in the background."

"1 photograph; 20.3 x 25.4 cm.
Two men, one in front of and one behind large machine."

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"1 photograph; 25.3 x 25.5 cm.
Men working on wall trying to make something level."

"1 photograph; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
One man standing beside an ""Atomic Energy Commission"" truck while another stands beside an ambulance. Text on back of image reads: ""Photo No. 7800482-11 PNL Photography Richland, Washington 99352""."

"1 photograph; 10.6 x 7.8 cm.
Two men sitting on a bed with one playing a guitar. Text reads: ""Warley & Slagle my room""."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Man in red shirt signing document, man in gray shirt reading document."

"1 photograph; 12.1 x 18.1 cm.
Col. Frederick Clark on left and Bill Milton right with fake giant keys in hand. Text on back of image reads: ""General Electric Photography Unit Hanford Atomic Products Operation Request No. 13903-3."""

"1 photograph; 13.5 x 13.5 cm.
Two men in front of small building, one holding an object, posing."

"1 photograph; 13.6 x 13.5. cm.
Two men posing, one man holding an award. People also in the background."

"1 photograph; 12.2 x 18.2 cm.
Cloud (DuPont) and Col. Clark, Col. Clark has keys in hand. Cloud is service superintendent for DuPont. Text on front of image reads: ""Col. Clark; Bill Milton"". Text on back of image reads: ""Robley L. Johnson…

"1 photograph; 12.8 x 8.8 cm.
Two men drinking and playing with a dog on a lawn in Richland. Text on back reads: ""80 W [illegible] Richland, Wash 7/50""."

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"1 photograph; 8.9 x 12.8 cm.
Truck going through Atomic Frontier Days parade displaying objects to crowd. Text on back of image reads: "G-Way"."

"1 photograph; 20.3 x 25.3 cm.
One man pointing to machine part with another man looking at it while on a computer. Photo No. 8500197 - 3-CN; PNL Photography Richland, Washington 99352."

"1 photograph; 20.3 x 25.4 cm.
Man on the left is pointing to the rod while the man on the right holds the rod with gloves."

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"1 photograph; 8.2 x 11.5 cm.
Two men looking at rectangle object with other men and trees in the background."

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"1 photograph; 20.3 x 25.4 cm.
Two men, both in work suits, looking at an object that one man is holding. Both men are in maintenance and the man on the right is W.E. Bartlett."

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"1 photograph; 23.3 x 25.4 cm.
Rod being held by man on left, man on right is looking at it. Man on right is H. L. Jackson, man on left first initial is W and second initial is E and his last name begins with ""STA""."

"1 photograph; 12.9 x 17.8 cm.
One man sitting behind the counter, the other standing and looking at items. "

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"1 photograph; 19.2 x 23.9 cm.
Man on left side is W.E. Johnson, man on right side is G.R. Prout. Text on front of image reads (from left to right): ""W E Johnson; G R Prout""."


"1 photograph; 21.5 x 27.8 cm.
Both men pointing, one pointing at computer and another at a cylinder object with a metal pipe. Text on back of image reads: ""Photo No. 8500196 - 9CN PNL Photography Richland, Washington 99352""."

"1 photograph: col.; 12.7 x 17.8 cm.
Two men in work clothing standing by a manhole."

"1 photograph; 8.4 x 17.2 cm.
Two men, one in uniform, and one women in dress. Also horse and other wildlife. Next to image a paper slip with text that reads: """"In-Between"" Area: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hensley and friend in front of their farm located…

"1 photograph; 12.9 x 17.8 cm.
Two men working on model car, on different areas of model car. Text on back of image reads: ""Date 8-8-48; Re-order No. 3688 #4; Robley L. Johnson Photo""."

"1 photograph; 12.8 x 18 cm.
Several kids near or watching two men work on model car."

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"1 photograph; 13.6 x 13.8 cm.
Two men standing in front of building."

"1 film; 2.4 x 3.5 cm.
On left side shows a picture of the ""White Bluffs Girls Basketball Team - 1936"". Text below that title and image reads: ""Top: Helen Meeker, Miss Burdette, Betty Austin & Aloha Meek. 2nd: Irene Larsen, Jean Sigurdson, and…
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